
01.02.2017 11:40

FDA permits Xeltis to begin trials in the USA

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18.01.2017 08:20

ObsEva Expands Leadership Team as it prepares for IPO

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31.10.2016 09:57

ObsEva announces IPO and Phase 3 clinical trials

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24.10.2016 08:42

Grant awarded to MaxiVAX for clinical evaluation of its cancer vaccine

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03.10.2016 14:02

First-ever bioabsorbable heart valves in clinic

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20.09.2016 08:48

AOT’s Knochenschneid-Roboter bereit für Forschungseinsätze

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04.08.2016 16:42

ObsEva: Fifth compound in a clinical program

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12.07.2016 08:25

Amazentis announces milestone in anti-aging efforts

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11.07.2016 10:15

Sintratec launches 3D printer for professional customers

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27.06.2016 15:29

Encouraging results of Ava’s clinical study

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06.06.2016 09:32

Orphan Drug Designation granted to Versantis

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17.05.2016 09:55

Novigenix blood-based test detects colorectal cancer reliably

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04.05.2016 10:30

Strekin launches Phase 2 clinical study of STR001

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03.02.2016 08:31

Biowatch, CSEM and Idiap join forces

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15.07.2015 08:00

Anokion and Astellas agree to deal

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03.03.2015 09:08

Dacuda and Volumental unveil printable 3D-selfies

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03.03.2015 08:52

ARKTIS: Neuartige Neutronendetektoren auf dem Weg zum Markt

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