Exchange rate risk and how to manage it


06.06.2023 13:00 - 14:00




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The Zürich-based fintech amnis offers an international banking platform to small- and medium-sized companies which need to transfer money abroad, exchange currencies and collect international payments.

In this webinar, amnis' fx experts will explain how international banking tools can become strategic allies in simplifying the traditional way of managing international payments while effectively mitigating exchange rate risks.

We’ll begin with the fundamentals and guide you through risk mitigation, step by step, equipping you with all the necessary knowledge to navigate this landscape effortlessly.

-> Learn what to do when your most traded currency loses value and get to know the basics of the most common risk mitigation and hedging strategies.

-> Get an overview of the easy-to-use hedging tools and insights into one of our customer’s success stories using them.

Duration: 30 minutes
Language: English
