mHealth – Trends, Chances and Challenges

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In February an i-net event in Baden will focus on the topic of mHealth. Several start-ups will present their solutions followed by a panel discussion with top-class experts. It’s still possible to register and participate.

Mo­bi­le tech­no­lo­gies has been ad­op­ted in every di­men­si­on of our life wi­t­hin less than two de­ca­des. The power of these tech­no­lo­gies has dis­rup­ted our be­ha­viour how we com­mu­ni­ca­te and how we con­duct busi­ness. The mo­bi­le world is smal­ler, fas­ter and smar­ter – this bears great pro­mi­ses to the health­ca­re sec­tor for high qua­li­ty, low-cost services.

The spar­king waves of in­no­va­ti­on are pro­pel­ling the health­ca­re sta­ke­hol­ders to re­as­sess and to re­pur­po­se how they pro­vi­de ser­vices. Di­gi­tal tech­no­lo­gies and es­pe­cial­ly due to the ubi­qui­tou­os mo­bi­le de­vices can play a key role in trans­for­ming health­ca­re into a more ef­fi­ci­ent (va­lue-ba­sed), pa­ti­ent-cen­te­red care sys­tem, where in­di­vi­du­als have in­stant, on-de­mand ac­cess to their me­di­cal re­cor­ds and power­ful cli­ni­cal de­ci­si­on tools that em­power the pa­ti­ent to ac­tive­ly par­ti­ci­pa­te in their tre­at­ment plans.

Be­si­de the op­por­tu­nities, many chal­len­ges are given: the given re­sis­tan­ce to chan­ge by pro­fes­sio­nals, how to de­ve­lop ways to suc­cess­ful­ly mo­ne­ti­ze mHe­alth (busi­ness model), how will re­gu­la­to­ry (what stan­dards will be ap­p­lied) and/or in­dus­try en­vi­ron­ments en­cou­ra­ge or dis­sua­de mHe­alth busi­nes­ses, how can the in­te­gri­ty of the data be se­cu­red (pri­va­cy and se­cu­ri­ty mat­ters) and how can the in­di­vi­du­al mas­ter its own data (data ownership).

And at the end mHe­alth must ma­tu­re to be­co­me a part of the me­di­cal de­vice in­dus­try, other­wi­se it re­mains a tech­no­lo­gy play, an ex­ten­si­on to on­line con­nec­tivi­ty or so­me­thing more. The aim of the i-net net­wor­king event about mHe­alth is to high­light mo­bi­le Health so­lu­ti­ons made in Swit­z­er­land and to dis­cuss about the im­pli­ca­ti­ons for stakeholders.

The event will take place on 27 February in Baden.


15:30 Registration, coffee
16:00 Introduction by Fabian Käser, i-net
16:05 Presentations by Helmedica, CSEM, Sensogram, digital med lab, moderation by Fabian Käser
17:15 Panel discussion with Prof. Beda Stadler and Dr. Martin Denz, moderation and interactive poll by Michael Dillhyon,
18:15 networking apéro

 The event will take place at TRAFO, Baden. More information on the i-net website.


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