SECO Start-up Fund

The SSF is a developmental loan instrument established by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO. The management of the fund is delegated to FINANCEcontact in Zurich. The SSF promotes private sector investment projects in countries with economies under development or in transi­tion. The projects must be commercially viable and meet recognised environmental and social standards.

The SECO Start-up Fund (SSF)

provides loans

  • of up to two thirds of investment costs; max. CHF 500'000 per Project
  • for repayment within 7 years
  • at least one of the borrowers/investors must have domicile in Switzerland
  • for start-up business projects and first expansion phase
  • to companies in selected countries with economies under development or in transition

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Company name
State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO

Company location
3003 Bern

