Sustainble Switzerland Forum


12 and 13 September 2023


Kursaal Casino Bern


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Is it time to rethink the traditional business model? What implications does Scope 3 have on your company?  How can a pioneering spirit help you capture CO2 and make use of the by-product in a variety of ways? These are the questions we ask ourselves at the Sustainable Switzerland Forum’s Business Day on 12/13 September. Speakers at the event are Gro Harlem Brundtland,André Bardow, Ursula Nold and André Hoffmann, among others.

The program provides room for discussion and exchange. As the topic of sustainability is about one thing above all: collaboration. And is there anything more exciting than networking with equally committed people?

The objective of the sessions is to bring together business, science and politics. “Towards a Sustainable Swiss Future” is the common vision of the event. In addition, Green Business Switzerland once again will present the award for the most sustainable company in Switzerland.
