Info session: Pro Helvetia updates support measures


25.01.2024 17:00 - 19:00




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In this info session, “Design Work Grants” representatives from Pro Helvetia will share insights on the new program changes and funding opportunities.

Pro Helvetia, which promotes creating and disseminating all areas of professional contemporary design, including game design, has announced new changes. As of this year, all funding measures in the field of Interactive Media are now listed under the title ‘Game Design’ as part of the Design division. Sign up for the info session to learn more about it.

The merger of Interactive Media into Pro Helvetia’s Design division marks an exciting shift in its focus. Following cultural, economic, and developmental factors, the conviction in bolstering the Swiss game creators has driven the organisation to refine its support mechanisms and to respond with its institutional schemes to the growing industry trends. To streamline and enhance accessibility, all funding initiatives geared towards Game Design are consolidated within the Design division and, from now on, listed under ‘Design’.

The funding is open to creatives working on Interactive digital content for various devices (computers, game consoles, mobile devices, for mixed reality, etc.), which requires a high level of interaction. Check out the Open Calls via support finder.

Participants will learn more about open funding measures in the online info event, Design. Registration is open.


5 pm: Introduction Design Pro Helvetia: Formats, calendar 2024, platforms, new website, game design
5.45 pm: Break  
6 pm: Design Work Grants, the criteria and how you can apply, input from Cristina Riesen, former design jury member with insights into the jury perspective
