Ask the entrepreneur @EPFL: Build a great team with Ata Tuna Ciftlik, CEO Lunaphore


Wednesday, February 28th 2018; 17:30 - 19:30




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IFJ Institut für Jungunternehmen

Get your startup on track with the support of successful founders!
The series of five workshops has for goal to give you the opportunity to discuss specific topics with local entrepreneurs who have been through the same challenges as you. Each session unfolds like this (except the 1st workshop):
-        45 minutes insights presentation from the entrepreneur
-        45 minutes Q&A based on your specific project
We ask you to prepare questions on each topic in advance to make the session interactive.
ð  Apply if you have an innovative startup project and you are a student, PhD, postdoc or member of staff at EPFL, UNIL, CHUV or EHL.
! Limited number of participants !
Ask the entrepreneur n°1: “Build a great team”
·        Build and structure your team
·        Culture, Leadership, Roles
·        How to manage HR as growing
